Hi ,

The latest evidence is finding that Alzheimer’s disease is actually a slow starvation of the brain. Is appears that the brain has its own blood sugar regulation mechanism. It does not depend on the body’s system. For example, if you have a low blood sugar episode due to excess exercise that uses up the available sugar for the muscles, the brain will still continue to function. The brain has its own insulin production, separate from that produced by the pancreas for the rest of the body. Strangely enough this means that your brain can develop diabetes even though the rest of the body is fine. This is what is now believed to be the cause of Alzheimer’s – brain diabetes.
Insulin acts to open the doorways of the nerve cells to sugar so the cells can form the energy they need to function. With the diet of our modern world, the insulin production in the brain drops or the nerve cells become resistant to the insulin and the cells literally starve. Why do I say “With the diet of our modern world”? Because the body and the brain don’t need sugar to function. They will burn fats. In fact they prefer to burn fats; fats create less metabolic waste in the form of free radicals as they burn. But the body will always burn sugars first, because sugar floating around in the blood stream is toxic. So the body burns it up as energy. But in this modern world, we eat a diet full of sugars and carbs that become sugars. Unfortunately the fats we eat are not in the form the body can easily use for fuel. It will use fats for fuel only if you stay on a low carb diet. This is the best prevention for dementia available.
If you eat more than twenty grams of carbs a day or the equivalent of a medium apple or 4 cups of broccoli, fat as an energy source cannot be utilized by the brain. By comparison, the heart burns fats almost exclusively. It is too busy pumping all the time to deal with the free radicals produced by burning sugars. This is the big problem with Alzheimer’s and dementia – these folks eat too many carbs for the brain to switch over to burning fats for energy. The fats don’t need the insulin to get into the cells for energy production like the sugars do. So even if there is a “brain diabetes” problem, your brain could be fine if you gave it enough fats of a type it could burn without sugar being present to stop the process.
But wait, there is a type of fat that your brain will use for energy even if there is sugar around. It is not a fat that most people in the western world use. It is a portion of the oil from coconuts called Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCTs for short. The coconut “cure” for Alzheimer’s made all the news outlets a couple years back. And I suppose if you are really motivated, you will down the tablespoons of coconut oil every day you need to feed the brain. But eating it straight is pretty gross. I do make chocolates out of it, which works fine. I will even use it in cooking. But applications where you really need a liquid oil, coconut “oil” just does not do the job. A good example. I tried to make a coconut oil mayonnaise. Once it cooled down in the fridge it turned to a hard lump… not a good mayonnaise.
Well I could not leave well enough alone, so I researched MCTs and found a source that was not outrageously expensive. In the stores I was finding 8 ounce bottles for $10 to $15. That made some really expensive mayonnaise, but it worked just fine. So I bought a big 5 gallon container of the MCT oil and have broken that down into quart jars for my patients for only $20 a jar. I call this Brain Power Food. Susie says it looks like moonshine sitting on the shelves at the office, but I assure you it is MCT oil.

This recipe is for making mayonnaise with a blending wand. In fact I got my wand specifically just to make mayonnaise with since I like mayonnaise and all the commercial mayonnaise is made with toxic seed oils like canola, soy, sunflower, and the like. These all cause inflammation so I don’t like to use commercial mayo.
One of the key secrets to making mayonnaise at home is that the eggs must be at room temperature. Cold eggs out of the fridge just won’t work. If you are a plan-ahead person you want to set out two eggs 4-5 hours ahead of doing this recipe. If you are a spur-of-the-moment person like me your first step will be to put two eggs into a bowl of hot tap water to warm up.
Next get out a deep jar like a Mason jar. Make sure the opening at the top is big enough for your wand blender to fit down into the jar. You might notice in my pictures that I failed on this score, with my first jar being about 1/16th of an inch too narrow for the blender, so I had to switch jars mid-photo shoot.
Gather your ingredients:
1 tsp. sea salt
4 tsp. dry mustard or Dijon wet mustard
1 Tbs. Lemon juice
4 tsp. white vinegar
3 drops Dr Dave Supersweet drops (optional)
2 room temperature eggs
2 ½ cups Brain Power Food oil or a 50/50 mix of Brain Power and Avocado Oils
Get out your wand blender. If it has a blending blade, put it on, otherwise use the blade the wand comes with.
Put the salt, mustard, lemon juice, and vinegar into the jar followed by the oil(s). At the last minute add your two warm eggs. They will drop to the bottom of the jar and the oil will float on the top. I wait till the last minute to add the eggs, because the vinegar will actually start to “cook” the egg white ceviche style.
Put the hand blender down into the jar all the way to the bottom. Holding the blender at the bottom turn it on for 5 or 6 seconds. This will blend the egg, with the other ingredients at the bottom of the jar.
Now with the blender on high slowly raise the blender up through the oil. This will blend the bottom ingredients with the oil and turn the whole concoction into mayonnaise. If there is a little unincorporated oil at the top a couple quick dunks of the blender into the oil will blend it
into the rest of the mayonnaise.
That is all there is to it ! If you are like me and can’t leave well enough alone you can add other flavors to the mayonnaise to make it more interesting. I like to add maybe a teaspoon of fish sauce or coconut aminos or maybe some hot sauce. I might add some crushed fresh garlic to make an aioli sauce, or some wasabi/horseradish, some fresh ginger, or some black pepper and some pepperoncini. I like to play with flavors. Let your imagination be your guide.
Can you use olive oil instead of avocado oil? Yes you can, but understand that olive oil has a strong flavor that will overpower your mayonnaise – which is fine if you like olive oil.
The bottom line is that you now have a delicious mayonnaise made with MCTs that will feed your brain. Imagine mayonnaise that is actually good for you!
You can use the Brain Power Food oil any other way you would use oil, like in salad dressings or in cooking. And you can add it directly into your breakfast smoothie. Any way you use it, Brain Power is a valuable support for your brain.