We began this process by starting to perform examinations of the general physical health and functioning of the body control circuits when we got robbed. The office was broken into and the laptop computer these exams were being performed with was stolen. Chaos followed for the next several days but we are back together now and ready to pick up where we left off. These examinations of the “software” of the body are only the first step. We are complex creatures and our health needs are equally complex. I try to address some of this complexity with the variety of things I check during a typical office visit, but there is so much more we could be doing…hence the need for a health care coordinator.
We have all heard about the mind – body connection. We may not necessarily understand it, but we get the idea that somehow the mind affects the body and can either cause or cure disease. These interactions are being studied for “big” diseases like cancer and heart disease, but hardly anyone is looking at the day-to-day level of mind – body interaction that affects every one of us… as tension.
What is tension? Quite literally it is our muscles becoming tight inappropriately (or at least without our desire for them to do so) anywhere in or on the body. This can happen because most of the muscles in our body are not under our conscious control. When we think of our muscles, we tend to think specifically of our voluntary muscles. These are the muscles that contract when we tell them to do so. We rarely give a thought to the larger group of muscles that do their work without our conscious thought – the involuntary muscles.
The involuntary muscles do all the work that is too complex for us to keep track of. The stabilizer muscles around our joints keep movement centered within the joint to prevent injury to the joint. Postural muscles keep us balanced and upright and serve as a form of long distance feeling communication. Arterial and heart muscles keep the blood pressure steady and blood moving so all parts of our body can receive oxygen. GI muscles move our food along so we can break it down and absorb it. Breathing muscles in the diaphragm and between the ribs bring air into our lungs. Even our conscious muscles act unconsciously while they are opposing the action of other muscles to produce smooth movement.
Our feelings control the tone of our muscles and blood flow to our organs. When we get angry we might clench our jaws, or fists, or stamp our feet. When we get scared or really lonely we might curl up into a little ball, or rock our body, or run away. These are examples of our conscious feelings being expressed through our conscious muscles. Our tension feelings are played out as tension in our muscles.
Most of our feelings however are unconscious, and they play out in our unconscious (involuntary) muscles. Blood flow to our heart might become compromised giving us angina, or our gut motility may go excess to diarrhea or deficient to constipation. Stabilizer muscles may weaken or fail to coordinate properly making joints hurt or your “back go out”. Postural muscles may lose tone making balance difficult, or chronic poor posture that creates degenerative arthritis. Our diaphragm may tighten causing us to have difficulty getting a deep breath and leading to a panic attack due to low oxygen levels in the brain. We may get weak as opposing muscles work against muscles trying to contract. Muscle injuries may seem to happen for no reason because the blood flow becomes poor and coordination is lost.
Many things confuse and create conflicts within the unconscious mind. Drugs, modern foods, life stress, toxic chemicals, and so on all confuse and conflict the unconscious mind. 80% of our ill health is tied to these unresolved feelings through their actions on our involuntary muscles. Our ability to clearly feel and respond to what we want or need gets confused by too much stuff going on inside of us. Life has become too complex and toxic, and our body is taking the hit for this. A lot of this excess information running around in our system acts like viruses…like computer viruses. It corrupts the balance within us.
What can we do? It is not practical to try to turn back our lifestyle 100 years to a simpler time when most ill health was due to infectious disease and accidents. We live in stressful times. Our food is stressful, our relationships are stressful, our jobs are stressful, our free time is stressful, even the air we breathe is stressful. All this stress unbalances our system and corrupts our operating instructions for our body. We need to reprogram and reboot our systems on a regular basis.
The simplest, easiest, and least expensive way I know how to do this is with custom Homeopathic remedies (a type of electrical program information packet stored in the chemical bonds of the liquid remedy). This is created by electronically evaluating your brain’s “central body control processor” -your mind/body control circuits. Your weak or challenged areas are found and hundreds of remedies are tested to find the ones that will bring you back to balance. These electrical programs are then encoded into the remedy liquid. A couple quick sprays or drops under your tongue every day gives your system the information it needs to reprogram your faulty control circuits and reboot your system. As this is a dynamic remedy that evolves as you do. After 3 weeks of retraining your body with one remedy, we re-evaluate you and create a new custom remedy tailored just to your needs to use for another 3 weeks. Generally within 4 to 12 remedy cycles your system is retrained back to health in its ability to coordinate and control your body.
Ellen is currently running this electronic exam on any patient free of charge along with a Heart Rate Variability exam to test your overall physical fitness and adaptability. Creating a custom homeopathic remedy for your system is specially priced at only $9 (normally $15). Follow-up exams at 3-week intervals are only $25. I can’t imagine a less expensive yet powerful addition to your total health recovery. Best of all almost no work is needed at home – just a couple sprays or drops under the tongue twice a day. How much simpler can you get? Call the office today to set up an exam with Ellen.