It looks as though wearing a mask will be part of the new normal for some time. Wearing disposable masks is one solution, but the cost of these masks has risen 1000% and more over the last few months – supply and demand in action. Being inherently cheap (or as we prefer to see ourselves as DIYers), it makes sense to find a way to sterilize our masks ourselves so we can reuse them over and over. Washing is not an option for the materials that actually work for these type of masks, so another option is required. (Washing is fine for the pretend masks made of fabric material.) Instead of using costly and toxic chemicals to sterilize masks, the ideal way to clean them is using the high energy radiation from Ultra Violet type C lamps. Ultra Violet comes in three forms: type A for suntans, type B for vitamin D formation, and type C for sterilizing. Type C radiation is dangerous to all life, so you don’t want to expose your skin or eyes to this light. It will burn your eyes and skin. It will kill house plants, mold, bacteria, viruses, anything with DNA in it. It causes a breakdown of the DNA. This is how it sterilizes and also why I enclose it inside a sealed box while in use. Here is the UVC lamp and file box I used:
Assembly is very simple. Attach a couple of 1 inch pieces of double sided foam tape to the back of the lamp housing and press the lamp into place like you see it in the picture. To make use even easier I attached a couple plastic self sticking hooks to the lid as shown. I had to trim away a bit of the file box with a utility knife where the cord from the lamp was to come out so it would not pinch the cord. That is it! So simple! Just hang the mask from the hook and close the lid. The lamp cord has a start button on it. A single push gives you 5 minutes of sterilization time – all you need to kill any viruses or bacteria. Just be sure to wait until the timer light on the cord goes out before you open the box to retrieve your mask. You are good to go for another day.