I woke up last Friday with a scratchy throat and a full feeling in my glands. These are my early warning signs for an impending cold or flu. Fortunately I have my trusty colloidal silver to knock out that bug before it gets a chance to spread into the rest of the body. I immediately poured myself about a quarter cup of colloidal silver into a glass and sipped it slowly while trying to make sure it coated my entire throat. That seemed to take down the scratchy throat for about 6 hours whereupon I repeated my morning procedure. That second dose took care of the problem.
I have been using colloidal silver for about 20 years now and have knocked out dozens and dozens of colds and flu bugs. I think I have only gotten sick a couple times in the last 20 years thanks to colloidal silver and staying away from sugar, white flour, and seed oils. I know the colloidal silver works because of the immediate results. I assume the foods I avoid help, but I have not tested this because I don’t want to eat those things anyway. More truthfully, the addictive part of my brain still thinks those foods would be wonderful, but I battle it down because of the impact they have on anybody’s health, including mine.

Patients that have been seeing me for years probably know all about colloidal silver by now. But if it is new to you then let me acquaint you with the wonderful healing properties of this most simple substance.
What is colloidal silver? A colloid is a solution of particles that are so small that they are able to stay evenly distributed throughout the solution. In the case of silver, that means tiny particles of silver dispersed in water – generally from 1 atom of silver to clusters of atoms of silver small enough to not sink to the bottom of the bottle. Manufacturing a good colloid of silver is not easy. Just grinding up silver and dumping it into water does not form a colloid as the particles are way too big. Electrically dispersing it into water is easy but ineffective because as the silver enters the water, the ability of the water to conduct electricity goes up rapidly. The current rises quickly to levels that rip huge chunks of silver out of your silver electrode, instead of slowly letting tiny particles of silver discharge into the solution.

Making good colloidal silver requires more expensive equipment that will constantly vary the current to accommodate the increasing silver levels and keep silver particles small. I bought such a piece of equipment 20 years ago and have been making my own colloidal silver ever since. This is what I used Friday morning when I felt my scratchy throat.
Is colloidal silver safe? Silver is completely non-toxic in a colloidal or ionic state, unless you are a virus or bacteria. Some people have a concern that they might turn blue – a condition where silver deposits in the skin. This does not happen with colloidal silver, but can happen with a silver nitrate solution. Most everyone has seen pictures of that guy that looks like Papa Smurf on the Internet. He got that way using silver nitrate treating a rare skin condition.

So what is colloidal silver good for? It is not a nutritional supplement. There is no need for silver in the body that we know of. So it is not something you would use on a regular basis just because it seems like a good idea. Colloidal silver is a very powerful bacteria and virus killer. It has been used for this purpose for over a hundred years. It is resurfacing these days because of the development of drug resistant bacteria, like MRSA, due to overuse of antibiotics. Fortunately the method colloidal silver uses to kill bacteria does not produce resistant strains of bacteria.
There are several recent studies in which a drug that did not work at all against a strain of bacteria suddenly magically did a great job when it was combined with colloidal silver. Strangely the drug companies doing the studies or funding them did not test the colloidal silver alone. After all the goal is to sell the ineffective drug… at least in this country. Other countries have been testing and using colloidal silver and getting spectacular results getting rid of multiple drug resistant bacteria.

Hospitals are starting to plate door handles and other bacteria contact points with silver or copper because of their ability to kill the bacteria on contact. Other companies are starting to include silver thread in sports clothing and cleaning products to kill off unwanted bacteria that cause odor and contaminate food preparation areas. The era of antibiotics is almost over as the World Health Organization has declared antibiotic overuse as a major threat to the health of the entire planet.
The right bacteria in the right places are essential for life on this planet. Our gut carries 10 times more bacteria in it than there are cells in our entire body. But the wrong bacteria in the wrong place and we are done for. We need a way to keep the bad guys at bay and antibiotics have been used for comfort and convenience instead of being reserved for emergencies. As a result more and more strains of bacteria simply laugh at our antibiotics. They are immune to them. We need a replacement, and silver is the front runner in this race.
But no one hears about colloidal silver unless you live on the fringe of the health fields. Why – because colloidal silver can’t be patented and made highly profitable like drugs can. People are creating really clever and creative ways to use silver in new products that can be patented, but the basic colloidal silver is available to anybody. Yes it is a touch pricey to make a good quality product that will be more effective, but that cost is nothing compared to the prices of pharmaceutical drugs. Colloidal silver products are widely available on the internet, complete with lots of overstated health claims and highly variable product quality.

I am not going to say colloidal silver will re-grow hair or cure every disease known to man. As far as I know and my experience goes, it is just good at killing bacteria and viruses. I use it with great effectiveness with myself, and many patients also report similar effectiveness when used in their lives.

I do offer my own colloidal silver in the office in pint bottles for only $12. The blue glass bottles are expensive so I offer refills for only $10. Compare that to internet prices and you will see that it is super inexpensive. I make it at 5 ppm silver – the concentration most studies have used in their testing. If you have a big family or need it for pets as well, I often have entire gallon

bottles for only $30.
So if you want a simple way to help ward off the seasonal bugs, I recommend colloidal silver as a go to once you first begin to feel the bug coming on. It won’t prevent bugs nor will it make your immune system stronger. It is just for killing any bugs trying to take hold in your body.