What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is an inflammatory condition of the bones in which bone mass is lost with age making the bones progressively weaker and more prone to breaking. Often the bones will break without any apparent cause. Vertebra in the spine can collapse or hipbones can suddenly break causing you to fall down. You become fragile. Your life becomes very restricted out of fear of doing anything that might cause you to fall and break something.

The medical profession’s preventative solution is to take calcium – the most abundant element in your bones. Recently doctors have also started recommending vitamin D so you will absorb the calcium you eat and get it into the blood stream. It seems many years ago some researcher made a math error and put the decimal point in the wrong place in the results concerning on the amount of vitamin D people need each day. The researcher said we need 400 IU when in fact the research showed we need 4000 IU – 10 times as much as the government has been telling us for the past 50 years.
The other popular medical approach is of course drug therapy. Your bones are made by two types of cells – one type that lays the raw bone stuff down and another that shapes and carves the stuff into arches to make the bone strong. The medical approach is to use drugs to poison the cells that carve and shape the bone so that none of the bone stuff will be carved away. This makes it look like there is more bone stuff when you take an x-ray picture of the bone. The problem is that the raw bone stuff is soft like chalk. It is the carvers that make the bone stuff into strong materials that will resist breakage. So the medical approach is to poison the very cells that make your bones strong so that you will look better on x-ray studies (Dexa-scan).

In the past I talked about using Whole Body Vibration, as studies show that it increases bone mass. That is a painless way to get your needed exercise. Another good way to fight osteoporosis is by wearing a weighted vest while doing your daily activities to increase the pressure on your bones. The general recommendation is to work up to a vest weighing 10% of your body weight for 1 ½ to 2 hours a day while you move about. Your body is smart and a conservationist by nature. If you don’t prove to it that you need stronger bones by lifting heavy things, it decreases your bone size to match your usage. Use it or lose it is the absolute rule in the body.

A special side note – recent research is discovering that a percentage of osteoporosis is actually due to autoimmune disease. I expect we will be hearing a lot more about this cause in the future. In these cases we have to tackle the problem on a very different level – by putting out the fires of inflammation and making massive lifestyle and diet changes.

In breaking news (pun intended) researchers in Israel have discovered that the bone formation system in the body is controlled by cannabinoid receptors – the things that respond to CBDs – the medically active component of marijuana and hemp. Extracts of CBDs speed the healing of fractures and make the bones stronger. These extracts have the THC that produces the psychoactive effects of marijuana removed. The researchers expect that this discovery will open up a new class of drugs for osteoporosis. In the mean time CBDs are readily available legally in this country.

In breaking news (pun intended) researchers in Israel have discovered that the bone formation system in the body is controlled by cannabinoid receptors – the things that respond to CBDs – the medically active component of marijuana and hemp. Extracts of CBDs speed the healing of fractures and make the bones stronger. These extracts have the THC that produces the psychoactive effects of marijuana removed. The researchers expect that this discovery will open up a new class of drugs for osteoporosis. In the mean time CBDs are readily available legally in this country.
So to recap how to treat or avoid osteoporosis:
1. Exercise with weights or use high impact
2. Take at least 5000IU of D3 and 180 mcg of K2
3. Consume a full complement of trace minerals
4. Consume enough zinc, magnesium, and calcium
5. Be sure your digestion is good – correct as needed
6. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet like a paleo diet
7. Consider herbals to improve bone health