Health Articles

Muffins and Jam

  One of our favorite regular treats around our house is muffins and jam.  Of course, these are not regular muffins and jam, but their superhero counterparts.  But to taste them you would not know the difference.  They look normal and taste delicious even to normal people.  (Yes, eating healthy makes you a little bit […]

Health Articles recipes

Keto Flax Muffins

As most of you know, I live a paleo-keto lifestyle most of the time, and have for over twenty years.  Right now I am playing with a variation that involves cyclic green fasting – 3 to 4 days of eating just greens followed by 3 to 4 days of high protein and a touch of carbs […]

Health Articles recipes


One of the kind things folks have done to support Ellen and I while we travel through the stroke-recovery-experience with Ellen is to bring food over for us.  This is a challenge at the best of times, as most folks know our diet is restricted.  Well, last week our neighbors from across the street brought […]